Sunday, March 10, 2019


This was the topic for our sermon in church and it really hit home Io me as I feel uncertain about writing this blog.

Dad and I were very low on energy on Saturday and did not even go out.  We certainly appreciated the visit with Sandra and Randy.  We love to hear what is happening in their lives  with painting walls and even murals in the bedroom.  It is good when we can work together.

We can be uncertain about a lot of things and certainly about some relationships

This causes me pain.

I am thankful for dad's faithful support.

Dad is uncertain about his bike motor starting and stopping.

I was uncertain when I went to start the car after church today and it refused to start.  Yes, I asked for help.

Getting older can make feelings of uncertainly come upon us all.

It is harder for me to gather my thoughts but I remind myself that I am surrounded by loving family who are like guardian angels bring healing and hope every new day.n
Spiritual light penetrates the darkness of my uncertaintty.

Dinner at Carol's and Panteli's on Momday.
  Yeah!  !  !


beth bennett said...

Nine people have read it so far.

No cmments.

Sandra said...

Have read today's? That makes you wonder why more people don't bother to comment, it does not take very long. I was uncertain about coming for dinner tonight since there is a good chance it will be snowing by the time I drive home. But usually I go to Pilates on Mondays and since I am not yet because of my shingles I decided to brave the weather.

Shandel said...

I read your blog and sometimes don't feel I have anything to say that would be helpful. But I spose even just a little comment is nice to see. I also work through lots of uncertainty. Lately its thinking about the future and what else I might be good at for a job or career. We often discuss and plan things. But sometimes things come up randomly. Now I'm rambling on so I can leave a comment. I hope your energy has come back up and you feel better.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra and Shandell

Healing takes time especially for the shinngles.

We all wonder about our future but what we are doing today counts.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

We have our fence down at the moment.the dogs are a problem ken

beth bennett said...

Oh no
Ken what next.

How is it going having a snake?

Never a dull moment I guess!

Love mom