Thursday, March 21, 2019


Dad and I attended the Spring Tea at Colebrook Church.  Some old friends surprised by being there.
This was at the end when we were just leaving.  The place was packed with a lot of happy people.
Several friends mentioned that dad should not be climbing ladders anymore, the word had got out about his fall from the ladder trying to get into the attic.

Several people mentioned how calm I looked and I did feel calm.

Dad and I have had a breakthrough in our communications with one another.  We have both been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and talking.

"You are always moving toward healing all those broken places within you that are wounded."
Elizabeth Kubler Ross.

Yes we all have some broken places in our heart.  We all have felt misunderstood at times.

Relationships are always a work in progress and it is wonderful when we are able to see the other persons point of view.  We are both feeling happier.

A lovely spring day that continues to promise us healing and renewing.

I am feeling calm!


Sandra said...

That is wonderful news you and dad have got things running smoother, so nice not to have the added stress.

I guess every event at the church has that bitter sweet feeling as it is the last one.

Nothing new with me. Oh. One small thing. We had a problem with our cook top. Since it has been more than 2 years we were told just the labour would be covered and we had to pay for the parts. On the first time out the service guy cracked a small corner. I let the company know and they said he would replace it, BUT he then charged me for it. I asked Randy to call because I dont like arguing and fighting for things. Randy was working though and I finally did it. It took a couple of days but I ended up getting all my money back, the $700 I was told I would have to pay and the $200 for the glass top.

Very nice timing as Randy and I are on a strict budget for the first time in forever.


Steady-as-rain said...

Calm is always good.

I go to Ottawa next week.



beth bennett said...

Have a calm and safe trip.
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Communication is so important isn't it Beth? I find often people in long term relationships often just 'shut down'. Or take things for granted. I am so glad that you were able to have a good talk about things. it is so good to know that you are feeling good about things now and are calm.

Calm makes me think of my partner in life, Ken. He is an American from Chicago and has a mid west accent and calm, with the soft A for us..comes out as cAALm when he says it. He came to Winnipeg to play with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra 36 years ago. But still has an accent. of course...we have an accent to him.

Lovely photos of the church tea. Springtime is a time to celebrate, that is for sure!

We are skidding and slipping around on all the ice and wet snow, now that the melt is on here. One has to be very careful not to fall. BUT it is so good to feel spring in the air.

WE had fun watching the crows fly by when there was a strong wind...they never flapped at all...just soared on the strong wind current. It was like they were dancing...just as they were going to crash into another crow, they would suddenly veer off....what fun.

I just packed up for the workshop tomorrow and and all ready to paint! It takes a lot of work to get ready when one is the teacher and I have to supply most of the students with art supplies...a lot of organzing. I am really looking forward to it. It has been a long tme since I have been able to do these things...I had to look after Carl for so many years and it took all my time and energy.

Have a great evening Beth,

beth bennett said...

Nancy very interesting to hear about Carl.

Enjoy your painting. Love beth

Shandel said...

So wonderful to feel calm and happier. Communication is so important in all relationships. We are feeling more spring like with the last two weeks. Serious snow melting. Lots of snow mold coming out now. Cant wait to start cleaning up the lawn and clearing the sand and dirt from the sidewalks etc. This is the yucky part of spring. I must remember to send out my cards!