Monday, March 4, 2019


"Every person has inside a basic decency an goodness
If he listens to it and acts upon it
he is giving a good deal of what the world needs most.
It is not complicated but takes courage
for a person to listen and to act on it.

Dad drove me to go visiting at the Home again.  I met a delightful lady from England who reminds me so much of Jane.  I am not committing myself but I feel better about myself if I can cheer some one else up a bit. We both felt like we had made a friend today.

Dad went for a bike ride when we got home even though it was darn cold.

"Real joy comes from . . . .from doing something worthwhile"
-Sir Wilfred Grenfel'.


Anonymous said...

We have ended the hottest summer in history. That’s over 120 years. Glad it cooled off today. Tomorrow is going to be chilly. Can’t wait. I’m on days off now. Got to get back into the gym. On earlies it’s just too hard and I’m too tired. I have started to use my CPAP Agin , I can feel the difference after
a good 5 hours sleep. Matthew has a new pet snake🐍 A python.

beth bennett said...

Thats good news about your CPAP Ken.
Rick says it really helps him.sleep is so important
and so is exercise.
I hope the weather does not get hot again.
It is cold heebut the sun is lovely.

Love mom