Tuesday, March 26, 2019


                                             There is beauty in us even as we grow old!
                                       This is when the beauty of the soul can shine through!.

Sad to get the phone call from Australia about my distant cousin Adeline Mooney.  We had a visit with her many years ago and have kept in touch with letters.  She was 94.  My brother Brain also kept in touch.  I talked with him for awhile about the Bowron family tree on Monday.  Yes there was the
a lake named after a Bowron man who had travelled to Barkerville. John Bowron did not become rich finding gold but had a rich life there becoming the Gold Commissioner. A ranch in New Zealand called the Bowron sheep ranch.

Adeline loved to hear about her Bowron ancestors and my brother was very good at filling in the stories of the past.  I wrote about our family and try to include her in our adventures.  She always wanted to know more especially as she felt beaten down by life especially as she got older and learned of our health problems.

Her writing became harder and harder to read.  In her last letter to me she asked what church we went to.  As I was thinking about this I found a card among the stack of cards I keep on hand which had a short encouraging prayer on it.  I was moved to send it and I am so glad I did.

I know she received our letter with great enthusiasum and I am thankful that both my brother and I kept in touch.  This really touched her heart I know.


Sandra said...

I never did hear when she died, was it just on the weekend?


beth bennett said...

Yes it was and she died suddenly.

Love mom

Sandra said...

I got eggs yesterday. Randy is on afternoons and so home till 3 if you want to do your drive out this way and pick them up.

beth bennett said...

Busy day today.

Meeting at the church.

Dad riding his bike.

Maybe to-morrow/

Love mom