Wednesday, April 24, 2019


                                           Today was a good day to work in the yard.
                                                 Cut the lawn and pulled weeds.
                                                      I think they are weeds.

Dad was confined to the bedroom doing our taxes.  It was made harder when last years receipts were mixed up with the ones we need for this year.  I have been so careful not to throw anything out.

This got me started cleaning our all boxes of pictures and letters etc.

Working in the garden is more fun!


Sandra said...

Mary was doing her taxes yesterday too, Chads mom helped her. They did the best they could considering things are a but confusing with the divorce not final yet.

I took my boss out to lunch, the one who is leaving, along with some old employees. I did not get out for a walk though as I had homework to do and then was just too tired.


beth bennett said...

Good for Mary, I am gld she had help.

Good for you treating your boss.

I have been de;aying going for a walk thismorning
feeling tired.

Love mom