Monday, April 22, 2019


                 A few pictures that turned out well.  I think.  The others people were looking a little sad.

Each of the gospels tell the story of the resurrection indifferent ways.

"In Matthew the story the resurrections found when we choose to live it.

In Mark  the evidence of the resurrection is found in the way  God has worked in your past, before you realized it, practiced it, and followed God until you can fully believe it.

In Luke resurrection is found in remembrance, choosing to believe in God's grace instead of the shame and guilt of your past."

In John it is hearing God speak your name and realizing God is always with you, despite all your uncertainties."  -Magrey R. deVegan

Easter was a happy day for me just being with family.

A time to express how thankful I am for all the love and support I have received/


Sandra said...

Everyone else was sad or just me?

It must be hard to imagine how you managed before Carol moved back, you get so many of your meals with them now. And it isn't just the food but the company.

I have signed up for a MeetUp group that is about your relationship with food. It is in Burnaby so not sure if I will actually make it.


beth bennett said...

Good for you Sandra,
You also have helped us a lot.
I think people were tired
and some sad.
Healing takes time.
Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I wasn't sad, just trying not to burp. :)

Mark is the first gospel, as you know. And ends, "But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'"

That seems about right to me. Not that Jesus actually rose from the dead, but that this is what might have been believed by his followers and what they might have done - that is, "go and seek him". Of course, they stopped looking soon enough, at least in the physical sense. But still you don't have to believe in too much pagan superstition and non-sense to feel "he is going ahead of you into Galilee" is hitting the right note. Jesus is always going ahead of us.

