Friday, April 19, 2019


Dad and I enjoyed a fun time with Carol and Panteli and Kim and Hamlet.We will be joining them on Sat. night.  Some secrets may be revealed about our ancestry.  Do we have any strange people in our history.

Good Friday.
A wet and foggy morning.

Good Friday is a day to share our sadness and our pain.

Our family has felt the pain of loss with the death of Mikie's father earlier this year.

Oliver not being able to go on his trip with his friends.  Lost his surfing board.

Dad and I struggling with misunderstandings that caused us both pain.

A day of reading scripture together instead of attending church.  Reading of the painful death of Jesus and the agony of spirit his disciples felt at this tragedy,

We will miss Rick coming to visit us at this time.  We miss Ken and his family too.

Ben is away at a big soccer tourament in Texas.

Sunday we are having Easter lurch at the home of Sandra and Randy.

We see the flooding back east and how people are working together to protect the homes of those in danger.

We had a visit from Pat and John, our good friends.  They missed us at church today.

We are called as a family to be authentically human,
a good day to do some soul searching.


Sandra said...

I guess a Thursday can be as good as a Friday. I spent Friday getting all of my homework done and today, Saturday I worked in the yard. I pick up Cameron and Shandel Sunday morning to take them to the airport and have breakfast and then I will stop at the animal shelter on my way home.

I hope you saw the time change, 2pm tomorrow.


beth bennett said...

I did not know about Cameron and Shandel.

Good you had breakfast with them.

See you on Sunday Love mom at 2