Thursday, April 11, 2019


It felt strange to enter the church crowded with people I did not know.  I search to look for a few familiar faces.
  It was great that our daughter Sandra came to pick us up and get us to the church on time.
The street was lined with cars and she dropped us off and hurried to catch up with us.

It was time to hear some new and some old stories of Geof as told by his children and wife.  They shared the moments that they had experienced him in his different roles.  His partner, another doctor shared his friendship over many years of working together.

  I tried to give Jane a hug before we left but she was surrounded by many others.

It is strange getting old and feeling unstable and weary.  I feel like a weary traveller who started out with a huge back pack while has gradually become to heavy to carry.  I take out what I do not need and share my load with others.  Talking on the phone to Carol earlier in the morning was encouraging. 

There will be moments of sadness but my goal is to become softer and kinder.

Joy and sadness are both gifts from God to help us grow and mature in compassion.

I know that there is life beyond this life and that there is a mysterious force that surrounds us with healing grace.

I am feeling refreshed and renewed within my soul which is strange but wonderful.


Sandra said...

Hmm, strange because I posed a comment yesterday. Strange to see people I think of as teenagers show up as old people.

Sandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
beth bennett said...

I guess it went on twice.


Lovee mom