Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Lovely days to be walking in the park.

We were happy to hear from Carol and be invited for supper.  

We were uncertain about taking Spenser in to visit but figuring Haiti was not there we took him.
As soon as we walked in Haiti attacked poor little Spenser.  Dad pulled him away very quickly.  Spenser ran off down the street.  He does not run too fast so I was able to catch him and put him in our car.  Dad and I felt terrible.  Carol tried to put Haiti upstairs in his room but he refused to go.

Spenser is such a friendly little guy to all the dogs we meet at the park.

Sad to hear that Daisy, Cameron and Shandel's little dog was attacked and had to be in hospital over night.

We, like many in our church our a little uncertain about where we will attend church and even those who know where they will go fell uncertain.

Uncertainty will always be a part of our lives,

Jesus taught us to embrace it and look to the birds of the air and the flowers that continue to grow in the most unlikely places.

We are to be thankful for each day that brings new light.


Sandra said...

So, was Spencer ok? What made you think Hati would not be home? A busy day re arranging furniture, hanging blinds and painting.

beth bennett said...

Spenser seemed to be okay.

We thought Haiti was with Kim and Hamlet.
We forgot about the kittens.

Drove out to the bookstore in Langley,
after racking up leaves.

Getting colder.


Steady-as-rain said...

Sorry to hear about the incident with Haiti. A little worrisome.

My job search continues. Have another Skype interview today.

My health benefits end very soon (tomorrow) so will be getting less in the way of chiropractor visits and so on.

Lovely sunshine here the last few days.



beth bennett said...

Rick why would your health benefits end?

Not good.

Love mom