Friday, March 12, 2021


Yes I am still trying to learn to be more optimistic.
''An amazing life requires optimism"
Optimism is not a blind and thoughtless belief that everything is going to be okay.
The very fact that we are alive means there will be good days and some not so good.
Today I forgot it was Friday so forgot to take Spenser over for his shot.
They phoned and I rushed right over.

We went out for supper with Joanne to the Greek place.
None of us was worry but we did follow the rules.
Wear a mask until you sit down.
Wash your hands and keep a distance.
We went for a very early supper.
Rick join us and even paid the bill!
He finally got a pay check.

I am now on an official list for eye surgery .
Dad seems to be better and I feel a little more hopeful about his health.

I am making mistakes so I will say good-night.



Steady-as-rain said...

And the food was good, too!



Sandra said...

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”

― Sigmund Freud

This was at the beginning of "Pretty Hard Cases" a show on CBC I am watching.

I know I am fixated on emotions right now, but I just find it fascinating that they have such an effect on us, and like Freud says, even when we think we have done a good job of just ignoring them.

My hope is that by dealing with these buried emotions I can find that connection to optimism I crave.

Optimistic and realist, can they co-exist?

Anyways, sorry for hijacking your blog for my journaling!

Oh, and today is Saturday, in case you forget.


Shandel said...

I think optimism and realism can co-exist. It does not feel very good to live a life without either in my opinion. Being too negative gets you no where and to me that is not realistic. We can change our life with the power of our thoughts. There are many books and TED talks out there on that and real stories of people doing it. I have experienced that myself. What you put out you often get back. Its not super simple that is for sure. I think we are looking to live happy healthy lives and it can start with our thoughts. I really enjoy your blog and everyone's comments. It is thought provoking and brings good conversation. I am so glad to hear that Grandpa has had good days and nights. My window was replaced for a really good cost, and Debbie had her employee do a nice detail of my car, to ensure no glass left behind. She said they had to take my whole hatch back door apart to get all the glass out that fell between the panels. It feels like a brand new car lol. Happy Saturday.

beth bennett said...

Thanks you two!