Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Tavia works hard at cleaning out our front gatden.  She also moved some plants around,  I can hardly wait for the time when things start to bloom.

Loura came over in the afternoon as planned.  She was a big helo.  She went to the store and walked Spenser,  I was tired and so I was thankful she did that.

I find time to not be a constant thing.  Sometimes it goes by very quickly and other times it drags along slowly.  

We all experiece it differently,  

Things change.    Especially as we get older time changes and we have to accept this.  Dad and I do not like getting old.  Sure we all can be forgetful but it is more than being forgetful.  Part of it is the uncertanty of future times.

We are thankful that we can remember some of our growing up years they contribute to making us who we are,

Time for me to go to bed.  Where has the time gone?

We value the times we spend  with our family and with friends,

1 comment:

Sandra said...

You are still feeling tired? But not enough to consider doing your iron treatments again?