Monday, June 8, 2015


A perfect cool morning as Haiti and I go around the park. She is becoming so much more obedient, At one end of the park a very elderly frail man is practicing  Tia Chi at one end and at the other end a teen age boy is playing soccer by kicking the ball into the net and running back and forth.  They are both in their own state of mindfulness.
Dad and I did make it to church to a very fun service that was to be a outdoor picnic service.
A lot of fun with our new minister who took us back over the years to 90 years ago when the United Church was formed

Next it wasover to Sandra and Randy's for a swim and a barbecue.

The pool looked so inviting and the yard beautiful with all of Sandra's handiwork.

We talked dad into putting his painful, burning feet into the pool and me, with my wrinkly old body in my new black bathing suit took a slow entrance for a swim.

Randy and Sandra were in the pool when we arrived and look like they were very happy.

I look up and see a line of birds flying by and think how like happiness they are.  They come and they go in their own time and in their own way, like our feelings of happiness or sadness.

There is a poem that says the soul has wings and that faith is the wind that carries it higher.

Happiness can be a thing of the moment.

Sometimes it catches me unawares and I enjoy  it while it lasts.

So yesterday was that sort of a day.  Very happy!

I am having trouble with the pictures so I will just leave it as it is as I am feeling some pain myself which seems worse when you are sitting at a computer, so I will call it done!


Sandra said...

It was a nice surprise having you drop by, I would not have been floating in the pool with my dress on if I knew you were coming though!

Sorry Randy was a bit grumpy, he had doubled two days in a row, and then yesterday was his first day off and he was upset to find out he had to go to work that night.

I wonder when I will start to notice things I can not do. Well, other than see an opening jars, I already can't do those things.

Dug up three big clumps of the tall grass I got from you guys and had to drag them around the yard.

nancy-Lou said...

Aren't dogs amazing? They learn so quickly and I find them so empathetic. Max, in particular, picks up on anything that I am feeling. I am so glad you have Haiti to love and her to love you back. They get us out for walks even when are feeling lazy...gotta go..please, please!

I heard about the celebration of the United Church's beginnings. A childhood friend of mine lives in Ottawa and they dressed up in old fashioned clothes...such as from the 1920's, for the church service. An outdoor picnic sounds like fun too. Might not work here because we have lots of mosquitoes now and apparently it is going to get worse...guess I will have to find my " really classy" hat with the screening, for our walks.

My goodness that pool looks so inviting! It must have been wonderful to go for a swim. Sandra's yard looks like a beautiful.

When I lifted the blind this morning the sky was an eerie yellow colour...very odd. Ominous I guess is the word. It is overcast and yet the weather is calling for the sun all day and the radar only shows clear where is this coming from...hmmm thinking maybe fog...but it feels like one is waiting for " the other shoe to drop" a tornado. very strange.

We had a busy weekend with lots of company, which is a good thing. Today we are hoping for a quiet day. Maybe I can finish the painting I taught on Saturday of my Lilacs.

I wish you a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Quiet days are good. I did not notice Randy being grumpy, but I do not think we will bring Haiti over with us anymore. She hears the slightest noise and barks.
Hope Randy got a good rest.

love mom