Friday, March 5, 2021


 Very very windy in the morning.  We started walking into the wind and it was a struggle.  Then the wind pushed us from behind and boy was it pushing us.  At one point I stopped to hang on to a pole.

It was sure good to get home and relax for a while.  Evidently some people feel guilty when they relax but I am happy to rest and to read,

Along with moderation, laughter, creativity and responsibility a little rest and relaxation is good.  

It was good of Sandra and Randy to deliver Rick's car and now it is parked right in front of our house again.

I am now starting some more antibiotic to get rid of this bladder infection.  I am trying to drink more water,  I was sure I was all better and that had made me feel better.  Now I know I am not better I feel worse again.

I believe we were meant to enjoy life even when we feel out of sorts.

Dad has had a good day with no rushing to the bathroom.  I hope he has a good night too.


Sandra said...

Apparently there was power out all around us yesterday but for a change it did not effect our house.

That is good you were able to get your medication ordered, Ricky said it was a bit of a stuggle to get ahold of a doctor?

I will be hoping to get out and work in the yard a bit today, but rather not do it in the rain.

I did not sleep well last night (Randy was on graveyards and left at midnight) so pretty sure a nap will be part of todays plan too.


Shandel said...

Glad to hear of good days. Yes its important to take all of the antibiotics to get rid of infection. Often we do feel better before its actually gone, that is why they say to take all the prescribed meds your given. I hope you feel better soon with the infection gone. We had a couple really nice weeks here, melted a lot of snow. We are starting to book off small long weekends to enjoy whatever summer time we can. I am going to be banking some paid holiday time soon. Hope you guys have a good weekend.

Ken Bennett said...

Good news on Dad. Any idea what caused it? lovely here today temp in high 20's .