Friday, March 26, 2021


Everything takes time.
Another sunny day with a cool breeze.

Times like these when life seems 
More complicated.
Did I forget some appointment today?

Time to work outside and clean up the yard.
Dad did a good bit of work today.

Time to take notice of the wonders of nature.

Time for dad to have another blood test.
The lab was confused because the doctor that ordered it was the M.R.I. doctor not his specialist.
//Took time to get this cleared up.

Dad and I went from the blood clinic to the White Spot.
Our waitress has been missing us.
Always nice when they take time to chat with us.

"In the end everything will be okay.
If not it is not the end."



Sandra said...

Did you forget an appointment?

I bet the White Spot lady must have figured out you are cheating on them and some other restaurant.

I hope the rain holds off a bit so I can get out in the yard this weekend.


Shandel said...

We are getting ready to apply for time off with Cameron's work. Hoping to get a week in Early September and then I can try and get it off at my work. We want to drive out to see everyone. We may book small single days off to make some long weekends this year. I do not get much for holidays as I have to work up my vacation pay. Mini road trips are in our future and we are really looking forward to it. Getting out into the bigger parts of nature.