Sunday, October 17, 2021


                              Sunday morning a good time to meditate and re-examine our spirituality.

A time for silence and prayer and reflection.  We can be reshaped and renewed by our experiences and our deepest thoughts.  Life is a great mystery and we try our best to understand ourselves and our world.  Perfection is impossible and errors are a part of the learning process.  I am still learning to let go of the past and welcome the future.  We need to encourage one another knowing that we are loved and we are unique individuals.  Knowing that God who is loving and kind  will go with us.

"Great is His faithfulness His mercies begin afresh each morning".

God never gives up on us.  I can trust His unfailing love and support.  I can learn to be more patient.

So many are without water or power or a home in the world of destruction and shortage.  I feel so secure and bless to have a home and food and water and a husband and a family.

I pray for Hamlet and Kimberly and Alba to have a safe journey  home.  Our love will go with them.

I am thankful it is not raining this morning as Spenser start out our walk.  It is a shorter walk but I AM able to walk straighter right to the last step.  I enjoy the beauty of the fall colors and the freshness of the air. 

I like walking alone as I can think about others and pray that the problems in their lives will find the answers that they are waiting for.  We are all just human beings trying to find meaning and courage in our daily lives.

"When we put one foot on front of the other in life we will get where we want to be.  The beauty is that I start new each day right where I need to be."  - Taylor


Sandra said...

You will be happy to know I did get out for a walk even in the rain. Other than that did not get up to much. Talked to options for Christmas and I think it will end up we will fly out after Christmas.


Shandel said...

That is so great you are able to walk more now. How is your back doing? How is the new lady who comes to cook and clean?
We are getting cooler and cooler temperatures at night now. Saturday we had a beautiful 18c! A real fall we have had. Not looking forward to snow though lol