Friday, October 8, 2021


It is a very cold walk in the morning for Spenser and I.
Dad insists that I need to be picked up.
We were happy to see him arrive just as we crossed the road to start home.

We arrive home just as Laura arrives.  It has taken a while to getting use to some one coming to clean and cook for us.  We try to keep out of her way.  We are getting to know her better each day she comes.

After she left I heard the door bell ring and try to get to the door as quickly as I can.  I open the door to another bunch of lovely flowers and an anniversary card.  We have been blessed by the knowledge that people do appreciate us and we have so many good friends.

Spenser and I walk over to the Safeway to pick up dad's prescription.  

I re-order that and also made a doctor's appointment for dad to see about his upcoming tests.  He has one appointment with the Skin Cancer doctor in October and I would make an appointment for that same day.  I phoned back and a new time has been set.

I put some money in the fire man's boot.  Money to help the community.  I was thanked very kindly.

A small act of kindness on my walk.




Ken Bennett said...

One hot now one cool day. No real change here. Nice of you to give to the fireman. I watch the show Chicago fire and they do a lot of boot filling on there.

Sandra said...

Dad is lucky to have you looking out for him.
