Monday, October 25, 2021


It was no surprise to see many of the leaves blown off.
The wind was not as bad as expected.
It may get worse.
We have candles ready.
I was sure the power would be off in the morning but was pleasantly surprised it was on.

Sandra and Randy came by yesterday.  Randy put new numbers on the house.  Sandra brought us a big bowl of stew.  Dad's favorite.  I appreciate  all the kindness and concern the family show to us.

I am back doing a short walk.  I took my phone and my camera as well as Spenser.  All the dog walkers seemed to know I have had a fall.  Pat's husband saw me being helped into Hilary's house.  They are surprised to see me this morning.

Dad goes to get his stiches out this afternoon.
He is anxious to get them out.
He then will be able to shave properly.

I on the other hand look like I am all ready for Halloween.  I have one black and blue eye and a yellow forehead with a bandage on it.  There are a few houses decorating for Halloween but not as many as usual.  It is not my favorite time of the year.  I have no idea how many children will knock on our door.

I ask my self if I am facing life with a realism that the future will test our faith and force us to accept changes.  Beneath the surface of our daily life we know that problems will test us and force us to face life with realism.  We have learned many lessons but their will be more challenges.  I accept the fact that if I am extra tired, a lack of sleep and worries on my mind. I should take just a very short walk.

"The gospel of health and wealth appeals to many but like for most of us can be a bit messy.  I am thankful for many things especially for a caring husband and caring children and helpful friends,
There still moments when  feel sad and worried.

"An aching soul is evidence not of neurosis or spiritual immaturity  but of realism."



Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, we all need to face the world with a touch of realism.

I am not surprised that the dog walkers were surprised that you were out again so soon after taking a tumble.

I am hanging on. Tough weekend, for some reason.

Glad the power stayed on for you.

Some sunshine is expected up here by next weekend.

The dentist filed down the rough edges on my filling today, so that is nice. Seems the filling needs to be replaced, which isn't too much of a surprise. So I go back for that in a couple of weeks.



Ken Bennett said...

Jasmine has to be home quarantined for 14days. A student or possibly a teacher has tested positive to covid and was at school last Friday. The school called and advised Jasmine must go for a test. Jas and I went for a covid test today, we get our results tomorrow. I bought Jasmine a new computer for school, so at least she will have something to play with during Quarantine.
Good to see your back walking, just be careful.

Shandel said...

Walking always cheers me up too. Even when I think I dont want to go. We had a weird fall at work. Down the stairs. A girl behind me fell and I supported her, if I hadn't been there she would have tumbled down several stairs and landed flat on her face. The only price I paid was getting smashed in the face with her gallon sized water bottle lol. It hurt a lot. Surprisingly no bruise on my face. I was afraid my eye would turn black.