Saturday, October 16, 2021


Yes the day started with me racing after dad who was driving out of the driveway going to look for me.  I saw him as I was coming towards the drive way from the opposite direction.

I yelled and raced after him knowing he would drive around and around looking for me.

Sandra came along as I stood at the corner waiting for him to drive by.  Spenser and I were very wet and tired.  She drove after dad honking her horn and then phoned him on his cell phone.  We had a laugh about it later.

Sandra came to help dad with a computer problem.  

I had a rest.

We went out to Rickie's for lunch and yes he had fish and chips.

There was some kind of big accident on Scott Road.  There were two fire trucks and an ambulance.
I was reminded of some of the stories Hamlet had told about exciting things happing in their neighbor hood.  They went to get tested for Coved today to prepare for their  flight home on Sunday.

They are going to go home and look for a better neighborhood.

The rest of the day was hockey, football and soccer.

Looking forward to Heartbeat.

"May your life be like a wild flower
growing freely in the beauty of each day."



Sandra said...

Yes, we have our fun times too, dont have to live in California! I am trying to figure out a flight for Mary and the kids to be able to fly out. Otherwise Randy and I might fly there.


Shandel said...

What a beautiful tree in your photo. The fall colours are just so gorgeous.