Tuesday, January 25, 2022


                                             Exciting news hearing about Ben's future.

Time seems to be passing very quickly.  Too bad some in our family have caught the virus.  Hope they will recover quickly and completely. 

I am aware that I am not feeling great the last few days.

I do not like the fog and am thankful the sun is now out.

I tried to do a bit in the yard but aware of how easily I can fall I quiet.

I phoned Tavia to ask if she could come and help me for a day.  We would pay her as she is not working right now.  

I had a shorter walk today and was happy when dad appeared to drive us home.

We had a nice visit with Lucas on the phone.  He was surprised to hear from us.  I wanted to let them know their cards had arrived.

I met my friend Joeann on my walk in the fog and I was interested to hear her views on the state of the world.  It is good to be aware of what other people are thinking.  It is good to laugh with others.  She can be very funny even when she is serious.

Laughter can be very healing as well as spiritual.


Sandra said...

What did Tavia say, is she going to come out?


Steady-as-rain said...

Not good that you aren't feeling well. If Tavia is not available, then maybe ask Laura if she wants to work more?

I went to bed at 9 pm and work up 4:30 am, which is a pretty good sleep, but who wants to be awake at 4:30 am.

Glad you spoke to Lucas. Could you understand him with his accent? I have difficulty sometimes.



Ken Bennett said...

End of summer holidays for Melina, back to work today. Kids back to school next Monday. I had a power short circuit on my tv power board, now my tv is not working !!!!! Not happy.

Nancy-Lou Ateah said...

Hi Beth, I think I have my google account all fixed. It was hacked and I didn't use it for quite a while, your blog logs in with google so I couldnt comment.
Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well but good that you are asking for help, I do hope that one of those ladies comes.
We are well. just saw our doctor today. Very few people were in the waiting room, I guess due to Omicron. We are still isolating, as are many of our friends who are doing the same thing. Omicron has been everwhere here. We have family and friends who have had it, all younger people and it hasnt been serious for them,
I have been following your blog Beth, just not able to comment until now. I tried many times and it was lost. Should be ok now
love to you and Larry.Nancy