Friday, October 14, 2022


                                                    This is the picture I could not find.
She works very hard,

This is another picture I could not find.

I am feeling a little better finding the two missing pictures.  Dad encouraged and helped me.

Today I have received many encouraging words when I was on my walk.  /several people commented on how well I was doing.  I was also able to encourage an older lady at the store.  She was having a very difficult time walking.  She asked me if my walker helped me.  It certainly does I told her.  She has one but has never used it.  I do hope she will start to use her.  It is not easy to start.

As you can see I found a lot of the wrong pictures before I could find the right ones.

I feelinmg good when I can encourage others!


Sandra said...

Yes, that is a bunch of random pictures you found, good job perseverings!

Ken Bennett said...

Good job finding the photos.
Lots of flooding in Victoria, I am ok, no worries.
I am up early to watch the Canucks game vs Philly.