Sunday, January 5, 2020


It is always great to receive invitations.
Great hockey game with Canada winning over Russia!.
Saturday our friendly neighbor Cathy invited us down to see her new apartment in White Rock.
She is looking so much better and sounds so much more cheerful.
We had lunch at the White Spot.

Later Carol invited us over for supper.  We had a good visit with Kim and Hamlet and Panteli.

We were invited again today and it would have been nice to see Ben who is back to his schooling,
but we were already eating when she phoned.

We were invited to Crossroads Church and we intend to go next week.  We have several good friends there.

I was thinking how exciting it must have been for the disciples who Jesus invited to follow him.

We invite others into our life by caring and sharing ourselves with them.


Sandra said...

I was going to come to Carol's for dinner too, bu when Randy left for work at 3 I sat down with my tea on the couch and fell asleep till 5:30. Have a very sore kneck now, though it is better today than it was yesterday.

Negotiations still ongoing with the house in Kingston. Mary is looking at a couple of rentals today as well.

Had a very long day at the shelter yesterday, 4 hours of meeting potential adopters. The people were all nice but I dont think all of the kittens got picked. Also I thought I dropped them off on Wednesday for their surgeries and did not have to pick them up again, but now they are all coming back till next Sunday.


beth bennett said...

I always like updates on the kittens.

Take care of yourself.

Love mom