Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Yes I am having computer problems.
Nothing works.

Dad and I worked on it together. 

We are looking forward to seeing Stephen.

Today we drove to Tawwassen to get some muffins that I can eat for my lunch on Thursday.
We meant Carol at the Wooden Frog and then went to her house to have a bite to eat.  She made us some of her extra good cookies.

I had a phone call from a friend who wanted a ride to our Bible Study on Wed.  The trouble was she started telling me all her troubles.  Finally it was arranged.

Then I got a call from Randy telling me he wanted to take us out for breakfast with Stephen at 11 o'clock.  Wonderful news but it meant phoning my friend back again and then she phoned back to way she had a ride with another friend.

Kim arrived and we had supper before she left for dance class.  I wish I could be there.

I would like to control the uncertainty but when things do not work I am trying to be more patient.

Dad and I are anxious about the long day at the eye and cancer clinic but I believe the doctors will be the best and things will go well.

If problems come up we will deal with them.  I pray that all will be well.


Shandel said...


Sandra said...

And just like that Stephen is gone back home, Dad's surgery is done and Mary is no longer buying a house.

The kittens are fixed and Randy has a motorcycle.

It has been a very busy start to the year!


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, you have a very busy social life, Mom!

You know, new computers are only 7-800 dollars, so that might be an idea. The old one is likely full of viruses and malware and all that.

Glad the surgery for Dad seems to have gone smoothly.

I had another interview for the Whitehorse job. It seemed to go well.

I fly off to Toronto for a job interview next Wednesday.



beth bennett said...

That sounds promising Rick.

I hope all goes well when you see the doctor on Tuesday.

Dad is doing well but gets tired more easily.\

Love mom