Friday, January 24, 2020


 Thankfully Spenser and I were back from our morning walk when heavy rain, almost hail, came down in our back yard.  Right away we heard the noise as it splashed hard on the road and sidewalk.
Then the thunder crashed like an angry god shouting and expressing his dislike for all our meanspirited attitudes. No wonder the prophets in the Bible would believe in a god of thunder and punishment.

It was a short but stormy time.

I was sorry to miss the phone call from Theresa when we were out but dad told her all the news and shared the news of her family.  Both Ben and Morgan are doing well.

I took Spenser to the Care Home on Thursday but forgot to bring his leash.  I expected he would just lie down on the floor beside me while I visited my old friend Joan.  Right away he took off running down the halls and looking in every room.  The staff gave him lots of pats and really enjoyed him.  I was not happy.  I was afraid he could make some one fall or upset some one in their room.  I finally had to chase after him and carry him out the door. It ended up being a short visit as I hurried him out to the car where dad was waiting.

Joan and several others thought he was very cute and funny.  He brightened up their day.  They thought I was funny too!

We planned to have a quiet day today and were very happy when Pat and John dropped by.  We always have lots to talk about with them.  

Driving home in the rain yesterday was no fun. 

I remind myself how lucky dad and I are in many ways but especially to grow old together.

Putting on my sleep machine was laughable trying to tape it on so it would stay on.

"In order to sustain a consistent outlook and pattern in your life,  your thoughts, feelings, choices and words need to work together to bring harmony that expresses who we really are!
Switch on Your Brian by Dr. Caroline Leaf.

Looking forward to going to Carol and Panteli's for supper.  I love to eat out.


Sandra said...

I was sitting in the dining room working on the computer when all of a sudden it got dark. It was a very intense 15 minutes for sure. It was lovely to get out for my walk that night with the sun shining a huge rainbow appearing.

Randy is busy working so I will have to do my salsa practice on my own. Not nearly as helpful but better than nothing.


larry bennett said...

Yes it was very stormy.

You will be getting better than Randy!

Love mom