Monday, January 6, 2020


The grass stays so nice and green.

Dad has confirmed our hotel room.  So good it is right near the hospital.
The plans are all made for our trip in with Carol and our ride home with Sandra.

The nurse from Dr. Nolte's office phoned to see if I had any chest pain.  I do not.

An appointment was made for a T.C.San next Monday.  

We had a quiet day with a trip to the library because I always need something to read.

We stopped at the Safeway but I forgot what I went in for except to pick up dad's medicine.

To-morrow Kim is coming from work and bringing us her famous salad.

Then it is dancing lessons for Carol and Panteli. Sandra and Randy and Kim.

They will have great fun!


nancy-Lou said...

It is good to know that that your doctor has things moving along for you Beth. I am thinking the hotel room is for a sleep test you have to have at a clinic nearby. Carl used to have sleep tests. unfortunatley he had claustrophobia and wasn't able to wear the mask with the CPAP machine.

I am off to Winnipeg to run errands...wash car and get an oil change and shop for some groceries...we have company coming on Friday. It stormed overnight and the temperatre dropped to -23 with a wind chill of -32. very windy.

Wishing you and Spencer a good walk today. Pedro and were out at 7:30 and he did his business and ran for the door...brrrrrr

Love to you both,

Shandel said...

Everything sounds likes its falling into place. So glad we are moving towards longer sunnier days. We have a cold snap coming. We better bundle up. -40!!!

Sandra said...

I did not know there was a famous salad, I must be missing out on something.

Plans have changed from the shelter, as they often do. I have to pick up all the kittens and bring them home Wednesday night, so I will have them and Spencer.

Stephen did the drive down in one day and arrived safe and sound last night (Monday) about 9:30. He decided to go for it even though he knew the Coquihalla would be snowy as there was more snow in the forcast. He said it was actually snowing at the top.

He is off to the Island today to do a move, he was hoping Oliver could help but he ended up having to ship out yesterday I think. Did not really get a chance to talk to Stephen last night but we will for sure make a point of getting together. I guess it should be tommorrow?


beth bennett said...

Spenser and I got our hair cut today.
His rinze ws over his eyes.
We took him to the pet store
she cuts his nails too.
He did not like that.

Our day is planned for Carol to drive us to the Hotel at 6.

No actually I think it will be Panteli.

Looking forward to a good visit with Stephen.

Love mom