Saturday, January 25, 2020


Every day Spenser and I start out on our walkand we never know who we will meet.
Some days we meet no one.
Especially on rainy snowy days.

Every day I battle with my computer that says it does not know me.

I am going to take it to our next family gathering to get some help.
I do not like spending so much time before I even get started.

We had a little talk with Kenny but we phoned when he was at work.

It is Australia Day there which meant a holiday.

We took Spenser for a ride to the library.  He loves his car rides.
I had to return my brain book as some one else has ordered it.

I am sure that dancing must be good for your brain especially if you are having fun.

I wish we had continued with our dancing lessons but we decided to drop out.

I was thinking today how it is hard to make the right decisions for me especially as I get older.

We have made some mistakes but usually things turn out okay in the end.


Sandra said...

I assume that dance lessens will get fun eventually, but just like anything it is not necessarily easy or fun at first.

Randy and I practiced yesterday but it would seem like we have been going to different places as we could not agree on the right way to to things. His answer is to not even bother trying to follow the steps and just do what we want.

Drop off our 2 remaining kittens today. We were going to be bringing home 2 new ones tonight, but not sure if that is still happening.


beth bennett said...

Like the message at church that we all dance to our own tune.

Missed hearing from you. Enjoy the new little kittens.

Dad's feet are getting more numb and he took a cane yesterday.
