Friday, January 3, 2020


Almost blew Santa from the roof.
Blew our empty garbage pail over to our neighbors.
                                          Blew me  and Spenser from behind down the road.
                                                       Dad drove around to look for us.

We talked to Ken and Melina and they are safe at home.  Melina has now come down with the nasty flu and cold that Ken had.  No holidays away for them now.

December had been a month of anticipation.  Putting up Christmas lights brightened up the days that were getting darker.

January seems bleaker and darker than we remembered.  I call it a month of endurance especially when you are waiting for things to change.  I am getting used to my shortness of breath.  Good news Mary has her old job back.  Her children will be with her for the week end.  Hopefully a house can be found for Sandra and Randy to buy and rent back to her.

I am thankful I am not having any pain and dad is such a good help.  He vacuums downstairs while I do up stairs.  We will drop a bag of old clothes off at the thrift store.

Within in each of us is the strength to endure and carry on.

I see signs of new life as I am walking.  

I learn from my brain book we do not need to bury our emotions because that is unhealthy.

Endurance means do not give up and ask for help from God and from family and friends.

The past can be healed although not completely buried.  It is a part of who we are.

The future can be filled with new hopes and dreams!  Dream on!