Wednesday, October 13, 2021



The way to find beauty in life is to find beauty in all things.
First be in harmony within  yourself.
A lot happens in each of our lives some good and some bad.
Harmony comes with acceptance.

On Monday we had a good visit with Ken on the phone.
We are always happy when he gives us a call.

Tuesday we had a day of worry with Spenser.
Dad took him to the Vet. and they checked him out.
He was better by the time we got there.
He did not want to go out in the rain which is normal.

Today we had a good walk and he is fine.
It was good timing because it was time for his shot.
I think it always perks him up.

The early morning walk also is good for me.
Happy we went before it started raining.
Always a lot to be thankful for.

"The earth is holy
The feet that walk on it our blessed."
Chief Dan George.

"Take the breath of a new dawn
and make it part of you.
It will give you strength."


Anonymous said...

What was Spencer doing that you were worried about?

We are invited to Carol's for supper on Friday, I can pick you guys up around 4:30


Steady-as-rain said...

That's good that Kenny called.

I am very glad that Craig and Leah and the kids took part in Thanksgiving.

I am very tired today.

Might check into a local hotel so I can have a very long bath.

Work seems to be going well. But tiring.

