Thursday, March 17, 2022


How do we find certainty in a time of uncertainty.
Our family is facing a uncertain future.
Even the world around us is facing the uncertainty of war.

I can remember ever time we moved how uncertain I felt.
Especially moving away from friends.
And yet I have made new friends each time.

Yesterday I met Jan riding her scooter.
What an inspiration she is.
I walked by Hilary's and she ran in the house to give me more jam.

Laura did not come yesterday
but I am certain she will come on Friday.
She has become a good friend.

I am certain that love will be with us
in our love for each other
and God's love for us.



Ken Bennett said...

Rain today, it's still warm, rather tropical with high humidity. Jasmine got a really good report card for her first term in high school. I haven't seen Matthews's report but has said it was good as well. Our house buyers got their mortgage after the bank sent a Valuer to value our property.


Sandra said...

If we really thought about it life always has an element of uncertainty. Sort of happy that our momma cat has not given birth yet but like to have it over and done and all safe.