Saturday, March 19, 2022


                                             Why do writers write?

I write because I have a story to tell.

I write to share my life with family and friends.

Maybe it will help someone else to deal with experiences  in their lives.

I choose to believe it is a worthwhile thing to do especially if it touches the heart of a reader.

Every word we think or read or say matters.

I am reading "The Frontal Lobe" a book about a brain surgeon who exposes life on the inside.

I am learning that there is a redundancy and resilience to brain functions called plasticity.

Damage on one side of the brain can be well tolerated whereas damage to both sides is often irreversibly devastating.  The brain is surrounded by a cerebrospinal fluid which is also very important.  Too much or too little is not good.

A swollen brain leads to elevated pressure which is very bad.

Decisions have to be made about how to treat the patient.  His or her  age and  over all health.

My mom had a very nasty stroke which paralyze her whole body.  The amazing thing was her will to live but even that did not allow her to walk again.  Lot do recover over time

 Finding happiness can cajole your bein to lean to the left.-  Daniel Goleman



Catherine G said...

Thank you for writing, Beth

Shandel said...

I enjoy your writing so much!