Sunday, March 27, 2022


Saturday Sandra and dad did some banking.
After dad and I went to the White Spot.

We planned on going to church this morning
but we both slept in.
We are very slow getting ready.
I think we both miss going to church.
We had a quiet day today.

I read scripture and my worries have eased.

Throw the whole weight of your anxieties  upon him (Jesus)
for you are his personal concern. 1Peter;5

Unload all your worries on to him since he is looking after you.

God's solution is only a prayer away.

We miss Laura not coming she always brightens our morning. 

Our neighbors are putting junk out
so I started doing a little.

I seem to miss it every year.

Both days I missed a walk with Spenser at Boundary Park.


Sandra said...

Does that mean Spencer only got one walk each day?

Catherine G said...

Timely message for me. Thank you, Beth

Steady-as-rain said...

Too bad you missed church. Always next Sunday.

Laura with you today, I think.

I managed to get my head-scan at the Kamloops hospital at 3:30 am last night. Thought I might miss it, but the alarm eventually did wake me up. Only took 3 minutes once they got my head into the machine. Hospital was kind of eerie with nobody about.

