Sunday, March 13, 2022


                                             Sunday is a day to remind myself that God loves us all.

I must admit I am finding it hard to admit that I am having a hard time making peace with uncertainty.

As a mom I want my children to be happy and healthy.  I talked to Tasha today and she is well and still driving her big bus. Justice has mono. but is getting better.  She was annoyed at the way doctors treat people.  He went to the doctor with a sore throat and was told to wait in the car for a phone call.  ....they did not diagnose the problem correctly.  He had to go back and have a throat swab.  

Dad was not feeling too good today but he has good and bad days.  He drove me to Boundary Park where I go in the afternoon to walk Spenser.  He waited in the car.  We missed a call from Carol and Panteli inviting us for supper.  We love getting invitations but we had to say no.

I am thankful we get reminders for appointments.

I am getting my shot for calcium replacement Monday.

Wed. Spenser is getting a wash and a trim.

Thursday dad is having his scan with dye like Sandra just had.

I am reminded that we are all fellow travelers  on this tricky road called life and we need to help and support each other.  We need to be hopeful and have the courage of our convictions.

We are loved!


Catherine G said...

"I am reminded that we are all fellow travelers on this tricky road called life and we need to help and support each other. We need to be hopeful and have the courage of our convictions."
Thank you, Beth.

Steady-as-rain said...

Good that Tasha is staying in touch.



Shandel said...

I love this too.

Shandel said...

How lovely to catch up with Tasha. I am glad she is doing well. We are loved and supported. I find asking for help always makes life more enjoyable and sometimes easier. It can be dreadfully hard to do sometimes. We are booking holidays and hoping to have something more concrete.