Friday, March 18, 2022



                                    Well done I say to myself after we get the scan finished.

                                         Drinking the right amount of water at the right time.

                                              Arriving at our appointment right on time.

                                                 It was done very quickly,

                                                    No results until next week.

It seemed like a long day.  Raining hard so short walks with Spenser.  We watched a crazy movie about a girl trying to find out who her dad was and why her mom would never tell her anything about her life.  It was because she was in a witness protection  program.  It got our attention for the afternoon.

I was thinking of how proud dad and I are of our children.

Well done!  Kid!

YOU HAVE DONE WELL with studying and continuing to learn.  You are doing well coping with changes in your life.  You are helpful and kind and caring.  You have big hearts.  We appreciate all you have done for us.  We find we do need more help and we our thankful for it.

"We find many things on this strange journey called life but mostly we are finding out who we are"


Well done Jasmine and Mathew.

Well done Ken and Melina selling your home.

I am a firm believer that even when we suffer there is an opportunity for deeper growth especially spiritually.  I call it soul growth.

I do not know why it printed like that.  I will leave it maybe the spirit is working.


Sandra said...

It is good to look on the positive side and acknowledge what has gone right, something I am trying to improve on.
We have a big dinner tonight, cooking a turkey and having Matt and his mom and kids over for dinner.
Should be a happy noisy time.

Shandel said...

I think it is spirit speaking. It needed it to be a little larger for good emphasis. I love this so much.