Saturday, June 25, 2022


Thankful for our trees.

Yesterday both dad and I felt old and grumpy.
Usually one of us feels better
and their energy renews the one who is down.

Today it is too hot for us.
Spenser and I went for a very early walk
and then dad drove us to the store.
A kind man carried my bag of groceries to the car for me.

We came home and dad was planning to make French toast
but to our great surprise we had no eggs.    
I suggested the White Spot
and thankfully we felt up to going their.

Dad is still feeling poorly today.
His feet are extremely sore and so is the eye that was operated on.

We came home and slept all afternoon.

I am thankful I have a good book to read 
and we can watch Heartbeat tonight
and /ben's soccer to-morrow.


Sandra said...

We did not get much done today, just painted two doors and got trim from Home Depot. Randy then cleaned his car and I worked in the garden. We got the air conditioner ordered for you, will arrive some tiime next week.

Steady-as-rain said...

That is wonderful that Sandra has ordered an air-conditioner, especially if the heat gets really bad like it did last summer!

Good old White Spot, and good old Heartbeat! Hopefully Laura (?) being there on Monday will help bring contentment back to the house-hold. :)

I am trying to keep steady. Balance is getting worse. I have to take tylenol or advil almost every night now, to reduce the face and head pain. I try to avoid that, as those drugs are back for the liver/kidney if you take too much, but often it doesn't feel like I have much choice.

Hope to watch Ben's game today. One loss and they are out, now.

I didn't know Leah was running the half-marathon. One's children can be full of surprises!

