Sunday, June 12, 2022


                                               I love the early morning.

Spirituality is facing reality.  

Yes I feel like I am making a lot of mistakes and dumb choices.  I forget a lot of things.

Yesterday dad and I were sitting on the front porch and he went in the house and I got the lawn mower. out.

I was happy he was making lunch and I was cutting the lawn.  

It should not matter what our neighbors think.

We had a good one talk with Ken.  He reminds dad that the hockey is on.

I am looking forward to Heartbeat that comes on Sat. night.

Carol and Paneli are picking us up to drive to Sandra and Randy's.  I do not know who is cooking supper.  They both are working hard on renovations.  Randy is building a bed that fits in the wall and comes down when you need it. /

Personal growth comes from admiting our failures and weaknesses.  Not always easy to do.


Ken Bennett said...

yes I love that first coffee in the morning nice and quiet I don't miss yelling at the kids to get up and ready for school.LOL

Sandra said...

I take it Dad got mad at you for cutting the grass? I think this coming weekend will be easier for me, down to Randy now.