Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 Once upon a time we would have thought nothing of going to the library, and to the thrift store and to the grocery store as just a normal day.  We did this yesterday and arrived home very tired and hungry.  We both had a long nap.  

Yes I have hide the cheezies. Laura found them and brought them out to show dad what she had found!

I was thinking about all the stages we go through in life.  As a child we skip through each day with lots of energy.  We laugh a lot and learn not to cry over the disappointments.  Then came the teen-age years.  We want to be grown up not realizing growth can be painful.  I fell in love and with love came responsibilities.  Bringing  children into this world was a big challenge.  It happened before I had time to think.  

At every stage there are things to be learned from our mistakes and failures.

I am now aware of how quickly time is passing. I am learning to accept my limitations and find a deeper meaning that each new day has to teach me.  In old age there is a challenge to be reborn realizing all of life is sacred and worthy of trying to do our best.

Our tired old eyes can still see the beauty in a rose.and I do not see the dust and dirt.


Anonymous said...

I guess you are at the stage where you should be passing out the wisdom left right and center.
"slow down" "take time"
That has been a real challange for Randy and I these past few months, taking some time to do things we enjoy.
Did Dad tell you Donna has colon cancer and is having surgery?

Ken Bennett said...

The wind has slowed here, calm but rain is expected soon. The snake refuses to eat. I gave it two mice in the last week and she won't come out from her cave to eat.

Steady-as-rain said...

Cheezies? Is Dad taking his enzymes?



Catherine G said...

Thank you for your thoughts, Beth

Anonymous said...

I too, am finding my energy level becoming less. I have to stop and rest more often, when working. Ken helps me in the flower garden. With heavy work.
I will be 78 soon. June 30. I guess it is something we have to accept and ask for help. But I don’t like to.
Have you had a cool and late spring too?
We sure have. All the flowering trees and bushes were a month late. The fluff from the Aspen trees was huge making it look like snow on the ground. A foot deep. It is extremely flammable. Our fire dept were called out to three fires in one day. Because of the severe drought last year the trees and shrubs put out large amounts of blossoms. Trying to reproduce. It was awful for allergies.
My Son got married May 28. He is in his late fifties. Toa lovely lady. First marriage for him.
How is Spenser doing?
Our Wheaton Terrier rescue is beginning too feel more comfortable. We have had her a month. She is so beautiful. I cannot bear to think how difficult her 8 years in a pet mill were. Just pumping out puppies at $2,000 a pup. Living in really poor conditions. She never saw the light of day. Lived in a kennel in a barn. Never known love. But her senior years will be filled with kindness and love. We promise her! She came from South Dakota. Rough Start Rescue ‘rescued’ her. I applied to adopt her and was thrilled to be chosen. I wish I could it’d her photo here, she is really lovely. Golden with a grey muzzle and ears.
It has been a challenge, I will admit! She is frightened of strange things and house training has been a challenge too. But we are getting there! Yay.
I wish you a lovely day. Take it easy and rest lots.
Love to you both, Nancy