Sunday, September 28, 2008


Christopher Higgins, an author of "God is Not Great" argues that we should be acting out of mutual interest and sympathy towards one another because we choose to; not because we fear punishment or selfish reward. And we do not need God to make us moral people.

I know that going to church does not make you a better person unless you are willing to see that your life needs changing. I believe; that when people come together to question and search for answers to the daily problems we all face, we can find in faith a new life that teaches forgiveness and grace that heals and restores our hope.

Christianity reveals God as a creating spirit of love and that love was best expressed in the love of Jesus. If we could learn to serve one another as Jesus did and speak out against abuse and power that corrupts; we would help make this world a better place.

I am still searching for answers and have found that meeting with others discussing the Bible and learning and praying together has enriched my life in many ways. I have made great friends and I have met people I admire who inspire me and have touched my heart.

I have also experienced hurt and disappointment that I have had to grow from and through.

Jesus has been the greatest inspiration that keeps me searching and listening because I believe his spirit still speaks to our inner soul daily. The Holy Spirit annoints each one of us with the amazing love of Jesus that fills the emptiness within.

1 comment:

Jiazheng said...

hello...i'm just a passerby. I love God too...I believe that he's the author of our salvation. He's our Lord and our Saviour. AMEN :)Let's all grow stronger to fulfil our destiny we have in Christ! :)