Thursday, November 22, 2018


Good to have some sunshine.  Dad went for an early bike ride which is a great lift to his spirits.

I walked with Aneta who is now quoting me and that seems funny.  She likes my opinion on many things.  She is very stressed about her move next Thursday.  I tell her she is doing well.

Dad and I will do a little shopping today for pj's for gift giving at the church and also some toy. 
We do not shop very long and now the stores and parking lots are getting more crowded.

I hope the Post Office strike is over soon.  They have a lot of mail that is piling up.

I am reading about Bonhoeffer who was a minister in the time of  Hitler.  He refused to salute him but he also gave a strong message to the church about their failure to also stand firm in their beliefs.  He ended up going to jail   He would continue to keep in touch with his family because the guards would sneak out his mail because he treated them with respect and kindness.

He wrote that every Christian needs spiritual direction and continued to write and express his beliefs.
His core belief was in "costly grace" which he lived and challenged the church to do the same.

"Costly Grace is the hidden treasure in the field.
A gospel that must be sought again and again.
The door at which one must knock.
A call for discipleship.

Above all grace is costly
because it was costly to God
It cost God the life of His Son."

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