Monday, November 12, 2018


Some days I feel just like these leaves just hanging on.

A very cold morning with frost on the roofs of the houses across from us.  The temperature says -1.
I hope fall will hang on a little longer and today the sun comes out and warms things up.

I am reminded that in the change of our lives we need to hang on to the best of who we are and continue to learn from every experience.  A day for me to reflect to the way I see the world and the people I meet daily.  We strengthen each other with kind acts of grace.

I have lots of questions about simple truths and also about the more profound ones.

I take out my Bible study lesson which is about Job.  He was certainly a man who hung on to his faith in the goodness of God even in the midst of pain and suffering.

We take a drive to clean up granny's grave.  It is such a peaceful place.  There are many flags and poppies that adorn the graves.

I am hanging on to the life I have been given hoping that truth, beauty and meaning will continue to shape and mold me.


nancy-Lou said...

A pretty picture of the autumn leaves Beth. You are very good at capturing the beauty of nature. Thanks for taking the time to do the photos.

Well fall definitely is not hanging on fact it was a dismal and short fall for us. We are into winter temperatures now. ovenight lows in around -18. But the good news is....I found my ski pants...yay. They were totally lost all last winter and I froze while walking.

Ken and I are going for a walk after lunch. We always walk at least an hour and we feel so good afterwards and sleep so well too. We will walk down to Hidden Lake where I want to take some photos for perhaps a painting. The Bullrushes look so pretty with snow on them. I have done paintings of Hidden lake before. There is a large area of sand dunes that separates the hidden lake from Lake Winnipeg. There are stairs to climb over really is very pretty. I will post some on my Facebook page and you can see them there.

Have you read any of the books by Lillian Beckworth? They are about a woman from London England who moves to one of the islands in the Hebrides a quaint croft. She relates stories about the local peoples and they are colourful indeed. I loved her books and recently thought about them again. I am going to order them on my e-book reader. I was thinking you would enjoy them as well. Perhaps check them out at your library.

I am just wrapping up Ken's birthday gift and will take them to his house when we go for a walk from there. We will come back here and I will make an early dinner...then Tai Chi in the evening. You can see a video of him on my facebook page where he explains who Tai Chi opens up the chi points in your body...Qigong.

So I have to ruh, lots to do yet. I wish you and Larry a great day today,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Getting colder here too in Kamloops. I was watching the horses and dog and cat for the landlords and the water in the dishes froze-over pretty good. I am going to Regina again this week. These things always seem to come along in bursts.

My walk-in medical clinic is closing in about a month.



beth bennett said...

No I will look for that author at the library.

Rick we will give you a call tonight.

Love mom