Monday, November 19, 2018


Sunday was a perfect day to walk down to the duck pond.
                                          It is so beautiful and peaceful there,
                                        The ducks hear me coming so run to the edge of the water.
I have to confess by the time I got home I was too tried to go visiting.  I was determined to go today and I did.  I like to think of this as my faith in action as I spend time in Joan's tiny room sitting across from her in a big chair.  She is always delighted to see me and openly shares her troubles with me.  I am always reminded of how blessed I am to have my family.

I am writing Monday night.  Dad did not feel up to going to Carol and Paneli's home to visit with Oliver and everyone.  His tummy was a little upset but not too bad but he has a runny nose and has taken an antihistamine which has made him sleepy.

He had a busy day washing windows and then going for a bike ride. 

Aneta stopped in after our walk to give dad some of her favorite little plates because she knows he likes dishes more than I do.  I also had just given some away so there will be room enough for the new ones.  She was so pleased to see how pleased he was to have them.

I have written a lot about my conflicting emotions about our church decision.  Yes there is a lot wrong with religion and yet as I think back the church has played an important role in my life.  As a young mother I was searching for friendship as well as a deeper relationship with God. 

I have had many experiences in my walk of faith and some have impacted me more than words can say.  Faith is a journey into mystery.

We are to love one another with courage and kindness and simple grace.

So here I am now with wonderful friends to share my faith with.


Sandra said...

So I guess you did not go either if dad did not go?

I was thinking of doing our windows on the weekend too, with the low sunshine it really shows up how dirty they are.

It is very sad that Colebrook is closing. It is too bad the the people in control were not able to let go of control and be open to suggestions, as I am sure there were people who had more progressive ideas on how to do things.

Mary and I are doing one day a week with no TV. It is a small thing but does take discipline as it is so automatic. I got some homework done after my pilates. I really don't want to have to spend all weekend doing homework so want to plug away a little every night this week.

I had a strange dream last night that Susan married a young man, 25 years old.


beth bennett said...

Why did your teacher leave you?

We hope to go to-night to Carol's.

That is a good idea you and Mary have.

The United church is failing everywhere.

We need young intelligent leaders for a start.
