Saturday, November 10, 2018


                                                A very cold morning with a beautiful blue sky.
I enjoy the quiet that continues on my walk.  Not many people are out this early.

Later in the morning finds dad and I at the walk in clinic where we have taken our friend to see the doctor.  He is a very kind and caring doctor so people are going in very slowly.  We end up waiting over two hours.  

        I wish I was home continuing to rake up the multitude of leaves.

There are days when I find myself asking why did I promise to help this friend.
I try to keep calm and be positive knowing that this has been a mistake.  Dad has to leave his stomach is upset .  The good thing is that we are close to home.  

The nurses are kind and considerate and the doctor asks my opinion and I feel very award wanting to be truthful but I cannot really answer what I do not know for sure.  Should our friend have her driving license?  I know she drives right on the speed limit and has had no accidents.  Her family should have been there to answer these questions and now I wonder why they are not here.

We are all human beings trying to make our way in life.
I try to remind myself of this as I return home feeling annoyed and angry.

Every day has redeemable moments and I am trusting this day will have these moments too.


Unknown said...

Sounds like a very tiring day, emotional and physically. I had a bit of an odd start to the day. Started out to Pilates at 7:30 am and then while walking just decided to double check what time my class started, something I would normally never do since I don't usually have my phone, and if I do have my phone never have my glasses. Turned out my class did not start till 9:00 am. At least I got all of my school work done and even some yard work by the end of the day.


beth bennett said...

Well I guess we all do funny things
but at least it turned out right in the end.

A lovely day to be out in the yard.

Take care.

Love mom