Sunday, September 22, 2019


                       Sunday morning thoughtfulness begins with prayer and thankfulness
                                                          This was taken yesterday! !

"It is not our job as parents to toughen our children to face a cruel heartless world.
It is our job to raise children who will make the world a better place, less cruel and less heartless."
-L. R. Knost

This what dad and I have accomplished and we are thankful for our children who are all kind and caring.

We are here in the here and now to love the mystery of love that brings light into our hearts.

It is always a joy to eat together so dad and I were very happy to be asked out to the White Spot at lunch time.  We arrived late but our order arrived first.  Even the waitress laughed about it.

Dad seemed to order the wrong things again and his stomach re-acted last night.

We went shopping to the Thrift Store later in the day.  They have a lot of interesting things but we do not really need anything and we have to sort through what we need to get rid of.  I bought two books and dad bought two mugs.  We felt tired so we headed home.  Spencer was so happy to see us as we were to see him.

We will be off to church but decide it is raining too hard for a walk.  Spencer agrees.

I am thankful for the good friends I have made there.

I am thankful for the healing prayers we say for one another.

We are all very different with different backgrounds and experiences and personalities
We have different gifts to share to show we care.

Yes I am being thoughtful.  Maybe even mindful.

I did not get to church afterall.


Anonymous said...

Yes dear, I do believe we have been pretty lucky the way our children (and grand, and great grand Children) have turned out.

Your are also so right about letting the past be the past. All teenagers, of both sex, at times find themselves in new situations, that they have a hard time making a decision. let alone one, that from hindsight of many years, might have been better. There are always pressures from many sides, all acting at the same time, adding confusion, and doubt on how to react to a new situation!
Realizing one always did ones best, is I think enough.

love me

beth bennett said...

Very thoughtful

Sandra said...

A quiet day for us before Randy had to leave for work. We got knobs put on the dresser drawers but it was raining too hard to move the one dresser into the house so Randy could start on painting the last one.


beth bennett said...

It was sure raining hard.

I did not go to church.

Feeling tired.
