Friday, January 10, 2020


We were surprised to learn Stephen was coming to town.

We were not surprised to wake up to falling snow.  The neighbour  Todd and his two boys came over to shovel off the snow for us.

What a surprise to have my computer working.  Dad worked on it for most of the day.

We are both very tired after the long hours at the eye clinic and the cancer clinic in Vancouver.  The doctors and nurses were very kind and caring especially at the cancer clinic. Your whole world shuts down to the room you are in.  We shared our experience with others who all had a story to tell.

Dad's eye is a little painful and there is a big hole in the place where the growth was taken out.
It is not a pretty sight.

There is an old proverb that says put your troubles in a pocket with a hole in it.

Recovery takes a while.

Dad and I would have liked to visit Carol and Panteli but he really should not drive for a few days


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that experience is behind you and Larry’s eye can heal. It is a very emotional experience for you both. Cancer clinics have wonderful people working at them. I discovered that when I went to the one in Kelowna a few years ago.
You also have wonderful neighbours that shovel your driveway. I always say that wonderful people attract other wonderful people to their lives so there you go.
Sending healing thought to Larry for a positive healthy outcome.

Shandel said...

Here's to a quick and safe recovery. Healing love.