Monday, March 16, 2020


One lonely tulip away from all the others.

Yes I went to church.  Dad and Spenser drove me.  Dad was not feeling too good.
I sat by myself in the back row.  There were 8 friends from Colebrook sitting in front of me.
I do not feel I will get this virus.  But I will be careful.   I tried to be careful and quiet as I came in but I stumbled over my own feet and dropped my purse and sneezed twice.

 I had a little chat with my friends on the way out.

The church plans to go on line instead of meeting.

Yes Sandra we are taking Spenser to the vet. to have his ears checked.

I will drop into the Safeway when I am there.  Two of my neighbors have offered to shop for us.

Evidently when the power went off on Sat. the doors of the Safeway closed leaving a lot of annoyed people waiting outside.  It was off for about two hours. The parking lot had been full and people had been streaming into the store.

The sermon was about Jesus turning over the tables of the money changers.
Jesus again provokes the temple priests.  Greed should not have any place in a house of prayer!

Yes, Jesus got mad.


Sandra said...

Well, Randy is always shopping so if you need anything just let us know. He bought a bunch of Kleenex just incase our TP ran out.

Mary has been looking a houses, looking at another one today.

Not sure what will happen to her income with her day care being closed.

If you go to the grocery store just remember to keep distance from people, like you are wearing a hula hoop and so are they.


beth bennett said...

WellI do need some personal items but cannot ask anyone to buy them.
They are sold out at Safeway.

Spenser has a little ear infection and is being treated.

Off to the drug store to see if I can find what I need.

Love mom