Saturday, January 7, 2023


                                                Laura has a new puppy.  Dad wanted her to bring him to our place.

He is very tiny and very cute.  Spenser paid no attention to him,  They both laid down and had a nap.

He  is being trained to go pee on that pad.

Sandra drove us out to see town houses in Tsawwassen.  Both dad and Sandra like the big and bright one.

It is hard for me to see myself anywhere else.  Yes I know we have to find a place.  Dad is failing.  He sits down and falls asleep.  He volunteered to take Spenser out but I was all dressed ready to go.  It was dark and raining.   We go around by the Safeway by  where it is dry,

We appreciate all the work and effort Sandra is doing to help us.  I feel very bad that I am awkward and slow.  

I will miss all my friends here.  I do not think Laura will come to help us when we move although she is not saying anything.  She wants to find a five day a week job so she can be home more for her grandson.  I think he is 6 or 7.  Her daughter looks after him and the puppy.  It is just one more chid for her,

Well the future is not for us to see.  I wish I could.  I am praying for wisdom nd God's guidance.  He knows our future and he will be with us.

Yes we are very worried about Melina.  Her life is alredy changed.  Our prayers and our love will go out to her.

Thanks Sandra!

We all live one day at a time.

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