Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 We all make mistakes.  We have hada difficult getting dad's prescription refilled.  I made a mistakes not realizing he was done to his last dosages for the day.  Then the phjarmacy made the mistakes of thinking we needed a new prescription and promised to contact the dr.  We were waiting to hear,  Rick tried phoning the dr, and he was not avaiable.

They suggested we call the walk in clinic.  Rick did that and the pills will arrive at the drugstore at 3 this afternoon.  We appreciate all Rick is doing but we are concerned for his health.  He comes over and goes shopping for us and is very helpful.  

I am wondering if we should move into a Senior Center.  Sandra and I will look at one on Friday.  Dad is not happy and is not willing to go and look at places.  Of course he is not well.  His feet are painful and he gets tired quickly.

We just have to accept that our lives are going to change.

We have to be more aware of his medication needs.

This morning was very cold, windy and rainy.  Rick and Laura both came over.

Rick went over and talked to the pharmacist and everything is alright now.

Misunderstandings do happen but we all try to do our best.

I will take Spenser for a walk and then pick up the pills,

Life would be boring if we did not have problems hit us at times and knock us down.

We know that a new day will give us hope and courage,

1 comment:

Shandel said...

I have learned in the last little bit, the more we accept change and make change the better life is. Sometimes it's super uncomfortable and makes us angry, but it actually gets better and we are thankful for the change. I hope you guys find what works for you and accept some of life's changes. Change is inevitable.