Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hidden in the rules and doctrines of all religions there is beauty that is awe inspiring and joyful praise. We carry with in us our own prayers that we may never express out loud but yet they are a part of who we are.

There is a meeting at the church today to make some important decisions about how we can save our church and what future plans should we put forward. Can we support a minister? What kind of a minister? Will we have to be willing in the near future to join with another congregation or congregations.
I wonder where do I fit in? I am not a Martha who enjoys being busy in the kitchen and yet our church needs many Marthas. I am a learner that still meets regularly for Bible study and I am searching for answers. I am a heart for prayer so I give time and energy to pray. When I pray for others I feel a deeper compassion for many who are suffering and struggling with life.
If prayer is like the flower that slowly opens in response to warmth and light it seems to be an important part of awakening within us a sense of the sacred holiness that because we need to give things a name we name this presence God.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with that Mom. You may need
to upgrade your church band if you want to
attract the under 30 crowd.

Anonymous said...

Yes a drum would be nice and an base guitar just something with a beat!