Friday, February 5, 2010


Yesterday we had a delightful day riding around town on the buses, the Sky Train and the Canada line. It was a different world seeing all kinds of people; some here for the Olympics taking pictures just like me. You feel more of the excitement when you mingle with the crowds and see all the banners being put in place. The day was warm and sunny so we could really enjoy it all; except on the Canada line you speed through the darkness and then you start to think what of something where to go wrong. Basically the whole day you are putting your life in a small way in the hands of technology. . I saw only one person I could say looked a little suspicious because he fit the perfect description. Did he feel many eyes upon him? I wonder.

Today is another special day, our friend Geof is celebrating a very important birthday; and we are off by car to visit New Westminster to meet an old friend. It has been 40 odd years since we have seen Iris. I am sure she will recognize dad who has not changed that much.

Happiness mixed with sadness seems to be apart of life. It was so good to see Leah, who was in good spirits but in pain from her accident. Will she get back into her nursing career is questionable. I often miss what people are saying when you are making a meal so our visit with Rick was more relaxed in the morning.

We phoned Melina for her birthday but she was out picking up Jesse from school. She is exhausted being up most of the night with new baby Jasmine. Ken will now have two weeks off so that should help but they have a very busy active household with Matthew going full speed
every waking minute. I hope they can get some help and maybe take turns getting rest. By the time we had Kenny we had to let him cry at times because the other three needed attention. I hate to hear a baby cry but sometimes they have to learn it is part of life. We do not always get rescued and pulled out of our pit of despair. I often feel helpless listening to others in difficult distress but I can offer no answers because they have to figure a way out themselves. We are all flawed humanity struggling to do our best with the help of friends and family and for me the help of the spirit of God.

The statue, of Jesus Christ, outside a cathedral in England after the war was rebuilt all but the hands and inscribed with the words "Christ has no hands but ours".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was very nice weather for your adventure yesterday, I was hoping for the same to get out into the garden! I guess I will have to focus on dinner for Randy who I have not seen since Sunday.