Monday, February 15, 2010


Why are there no pat answers?

Why did we get in the car planning to drive to church with Colebrook and we unthinkingly drove to Gracepoint. I had wanted to thank the faithful people who had prayed for Jeff and Cathy so that we could be thankful he is home. He is a long way from health but hopefully on the way. But I had also asked Gracepoint to pray so was able to slip a note in to thank them. We are often left in the darkness when we pray for people so it is good to see some light.

Why did our plans to pick up Chris not work out? I am sorry I should have explained he needed to meet him outside because we did not know the number of the apartment. We got there early and state 15 minutes late, we rang the manager and so did dad, I rang different buzzers, I asked people I did not want to leave. His phone does not work so that was no help. Why do I feel so miserable and had a hard time sleeping.

Why do so many people seem to have one problem after another? Why am I so stupid?

We all live in the hope that God understands our struggles, honors our unbelief and helps us face our mistakes. So many things in life are a culmination of errors that bring disappointment.


Anonymous said...

You have a title mom, but no writing, I will check back later.

Anonymous said...

Yes I slept in because I did not sleep well. I was getting mad at myself in my dreams. Neither did dad as his acid reflux bothered him. I hope he will go to the doctor today. He ate a little too much and a little late in the day.
So much for a loving day! love mom

Anonymous said...

I had bad dreams last night too, I dreamt I was with Mary who was driving a car and we ran over and killed someone. No answers for all of your whys, but keep on asking!

Anonymous said...

Too bad about not connecting with Christopher. I think he was looking forward to it. It is odd that the manager didn't know which apt he was in, but maybe the manager wasn't home.

Oh well, perhaps he should have poked his head out at some point. I suppose it is a case of live and learn.



beth bennett said...

I certainly feel ad about it. I would have stayed and tried more things but dad and I were not agreeing so? ? ?
I did think he would come down to the loby but communication is always important. love mom