Sunday, February 7, 2010


Old family pictures are popping up on face book and it is great fun. I have always had a bit of a problem living in the "now". Live in the moment we are told only then will you be happy. When I am busy doing something I can focus for awhile on my task but like the sun breaking through the clouds a memory comes into my mind. With the memory there can come emotions that are as real now as they were then. This is one reason we all remember things differently; but there are things we cannot remember no matter how we try.

Right now in the garden the buds are popping out on the trees and little tiny shoots are popping up in the bare earth. Looking at a barren branch I wonder if it will ever become green again. I check everyday I go out the door and it is a hard decision to go for a walk or to hang around home and dig out those nasty weeds. Some I let grow because I am not sure if they are weeds or not. I know that I can hurry things along that things will change in time, so that makes the future full of promise and hope.

Dad and I had lunch with our neighbor Iris Reid and we talked about the fun we had living on the street in Tsawwasenand the things the children did together. It was a good visit as we brought out pictures of our children now and then we have our grandchildren and great grandchildren so I brought along an album. I realize I did to reorganize but that a task for a rainy day.

Douglas Todd wrote in the Sun newspaper about his 83 year old mother with severe dementia that robs people of their memories of who they were and are. When I go visiting and walk into a room I see a lonely person who just sitting. As we sit and talk my memories awaken past memories in their minds or at the very least they become involved emotionally with my stories. They often adopt the mood that I bring with me. "Reality-which requires awareness of the past, present and future," is slowly fading from their minds and it is sad to see. My mom who could not speak for the last four years of her life, could not smile or show any emotion and gradually her eyes becoming dull and there appeared to be no response to my visits. There would be many questions that came to my mind that I had wished I had asked. Yet love was still in that room, because I could touch her hand and talk to her.

Today I am reading scripture in church which is one of the few things I do now. I am not a kitchen helper in fact I am a disaster if I go in the kitchen because there are so many rules now.
Wash your hands in this sink, the dishes in this place and the dishwasher must be loaded just so.
Today we will be going over to Sandra and Randy's house to watch football and stay for supper. I am looking forward to our time together.

Whether it is revisiting the past or asking questions about today or to-morrow it is very important to talk to our loved ones when we are together. We may have other things on our minds but the most important thing is the conversation we can have while we are together. To laugh and to have fun together.


Anonymous said...

If things are popping up from the past that make you sad or angrey maybe you do need to deal with them and then when you do - you can let them go. As for all the other memories... i too seem to remember way less then most do. It makes me sad to think i am so young and with such a bad memory! That is probably why we take so many photos!

Anonymous said...

Yes that is very wise and like so much in life it is a process that is on going. I am glad we have photos to remind us of all the happy times! love grama