Saturday, February 6, 2010


I must admit that I am not a fan of long sentences, although I know many disagree, I myself would ask to be delivered from long sentences and wordy descriptions that leave one forgetting what the original thought was all about and why it needed to be expressed in the first place. Then there is the problem of where to put comas and semi-colins. One can say the night is dark and a picture is immediately formed in your mind; or one can describe the lack of moonlight and the need to feel one's way along as the eyes try to focus on dark shapes that loom ahead of each cautious step, fighting back the fear while listening to every sound of rattling leaves and creaking boards beneath one's feet. Darkness can be a friend as we welcome the end of the day but lying awake in the dark allows the mind to drench up past sins and omissions and worries about the future.

Darkness slows us down and we are reminded that a lot of the life we live is out of our control. As we sped along the dark tunnel on the Canada line, with tiny lights here and there, you where very aware of how vulnerable you were in this big machine with the vibration of movement making you aware of the great speed you were going. The journey was quick but it was not enjoyable and I was very aware of the strangers that shared this time and experience with me.
But in this dark place you had no idea where you were and I liked the bus that let you see exactly where you were much better.

It was an exciting day as dad and I set off on this new experience, so common place to the regulars, who strode ahead of us while we were always looking for signs and asking for directions.

This reminds me of motherhood that we enter into with so little knowledge and the challenges that we will have to face. One day these children grow up and become adults and all though they are like us in many ways; in many other ways they are so very different. We both have to learn to express what we think and what we want in new ways. There needs to be freedom to express opinions and values and lifestyles that we are at loss to understand. There will always be an emotional bond that allows feelings to be hurt and misunderstandings to weaken the relationship, but it is always worth the effort to keep trying to love and support each other!
The unknown future takes us into dark places but the light waits ahead for us!


beth bennett said...

Well dear,this is such a thoughfull and insightfull piece I think maybe you are right, we should get the blog published as soon as we can. One never knows what is around the corner.

It was funny, Iris did not recognize either of us,but we recognized her - dont know what that indicates, either she is not so observant as us, or, perish the thought, we are aging at a terrific rate.

Anonymous said...

I passed Melina at 5am ,she was coming back to bed after feeding Jasmine , and I was getting up to watch the Canucks game .

Anonymous said...

I liked your dark sentances mom. I have to admit I tend to ramble on and usualy end up too long of sentances.